
Rossendale Golf Club


Visitors' Information

We welcome visitors

Rossendale welcomes visitors to the Club.  You will find a warm and friendly approach at the course which offers an 18 hole course of challenging fairways, interesting greens, stunning views and excellent food.

You may be an individual golfer, or 2, 3 or 4 ball, looking for a friendly club with a fair, challenging course that plays 18 holes for 52 weeks of the year and a sociable clubhouse in which to relax. If you are a Society, please visit our Societies’ Page to make your booking.

Tee times for visitors must be booked in advance. This can be done online by visiting our Tee Booking System. Click this link  Book a Tee Time to go to the booking system. Payment is taken at the time the Tee is booked.

There is usually an offer on the green fees, so if you’re not sure about the cost of the green fee for the time you want it, ring the professional on 01706 213616.

Open Competitions

Rossendale Golf Club hosts a range of Opens to players with a recognised handicap which also offer value for money as well as an opportunity to play amongst other players in a competition.

If you are interested in playing in one of our Open Competitions, please visit our Open Competitions Page to find the details of how to register.

Social Visitors

You may be looking for a lovely venue for that special occasion – be it a wedding or party – that can provide a variety of options with stunning views. Please visit our Function Room Hire site for more details and how to book our facilities.

Or, you may just fancy a drink with a meal or snack in pleasant friendly surroundings at reasonable prices. At Rossendale Golf Club you will experience all of these. So come and give us a try, and experience it all for yourself. Note there is no catering on Mondays.

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